Site Updates

 12/02/2007 : Added video for "There's Something In My God Module in video section. Check it out!
01/04/2008- Added show to tour dates. If you're in Atlanta in Feb. come check out the most underrated, but not overdone band that's going on!
01/05/2008- Changed background image to the links section and added a guestbook on the home

01/21/2007- Added a photo album to the pics section

02/21/2008- Added 02/21/2008 Spartenburg, SC impromptu show to photo album.

24/5/2008- Redesigned the navigation bar and the lyrics section. I think it looks better.

06/05/1008- Added a pic to the pics section.

10/06/2008- Added a new album and new pics to the "other pics" album in the pics section.

26/06/2008- Added new album to pics section.

28/10/2008- We have a blog now! Here's where it is: